Recipe Pineapple Salad

Pineapple Salad

 - potatoes (boiled in their uniforms) - 3-4 pieces (350-400 g),
 - ham - 200 g,
 - pineapples (canned) - 150-200 g,
 - eggs (boiled) - 5 pcs.,
 - 1 small onion, apple (sour) - 1 pc.,
 - lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
 - mayonnaise,
 - salt, freshly ground pepper for decoration walnuts, green onions

 Peel and grate potatoes. Peel and chop eggs.
 Cut the ham into thin strips (can be replaced with smoked chicken).

 Peel and finely chop the onion.
 Drain the liquid from the pineapples and cut into small cubes.
 Wash the apple, cut the skin, grate it and drizzle with lemon juice.

 Spread prepared ingredients on an oval dish in layers.
 You can separately mix the salad ingredients with mayonnaise.

 1st layer: half a potato, salt, pepper, mayonnaise.
 2nd layer: half onion, salt, pepper.
 3rd layer: half a ham, a little mayonnaise.

 4th layer: half an apple.
 5th layer: half the eggs, salt, pepper, mayonnaise.
 6th layer: half pineapple.
 7th layer: the remaining potatoes, salt, pepper, mayonnaise.
 8th layer: the remaining onion, salt, pepper.
 9th layer: the remaining ham, a little mayonnaise.
 10th layer: the remaining apple.
 11th layer: the remaining pineapples.
 12th layer: the remaining eggs, salt, pepper, mayonnaise.

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