How to make a Bath bombshell

Bath bombshell

 A bomber is such a pretty fragrant thing to throw in the bath, there it sizzles and foams until it is completely dissolved in water.

 We will need (for 1-2 bombs):

 -4 tbsp.  baking soda

 -2 tbsp.  citric acid

 / if you have large crystals, then you need to grind it into a coffee grinder into powder /

 -2 tbsp.  filler

 / fillers can be starch, milk powder, cosmetic clay, fine sea salt, flower petals, dried herbs, cocoa, chocolate, oatmeal, glitter, cinnamon, etc., the filler must be ground to powder, otherwise the bomb may fall apart / /

 -2 tbsp.  base vegetable oil

 / oil can be any - depending on what properties of oils you are interested in, if it is solid, for example, shea butter, then you need to melt it in a water bath /

 essential oil or other flavoring

 / besides essential oils, it can be natural flavoring - vanilla, cinnamon, etc., cosmetic perfume or food flavoring /

 - decorations

 / anything, but not very large and not much, otherwise they will fall off /

 - optional dye

 / dry, alcohol or oil based, not water!  the dye can be added together with the oil, if it is alcohol or oil, or paint the soda in advance and dry /

 - a little pure alcohol (not vodka!), but not necessarily

 The manufacturing process (it is very important that during the process not a single drop of water gets into the bomb compartment, otherwise a premature reaction will start and the bomb will deteriorate):


 1. In a dry (!) Dish sift through a sieve of soda and citric acid

 and filler (in this case, dry milk) ...

 2. Thoroughly mix all dry ingredients.

 3. If necessary, add decorations to the mass (lavender flowers in the photo) and mix them.

 4. Add oil (pictured jojoba oil).

 5. And shuffle everything with hands (preferably with gloves).

 6. Add essential oil (5-7 drops) or flavor (actually, it would be necessary to add it along with oils, but I forgot)), fortunately, this is not very important), I have this lavender essential oil.

 7. We mix everything and check the uniformity of the mass - you need to take a little mass in your hand and squeeze if it falls apart as in the photo.

 8. .. then you need to sprinkle the mass with pure alcohol (a couple of pshik from the spray gun) or add a little more oil.

 9. Check again - a compressed lump holds.

 So you can sculpt the bomb.

 10. We take a mold and in one half we pour decorations on the bottom (but this is optional), just a little bit, otherwise they will fall off later (in the photo - lavender flowers).

 11. Now we are laying a bomb mix in the form and tamping well.

 12. Do the same with the second half.

 13. Now they need to be connected, we pour in both parts a mass with a slide.

 14. Combine the halves and, removing the excess from the junction, tamp down the mass.

 15. While the mold is not docked.

 16. By the way, the bomb does not have to be round, it can be made in any mold.

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