Medicinal plants and vegetables

Medicinal plants and vegetables

  Ridka - removes stones and sand from the kidneys and urinary bladder, treats bronchitis, catarrh, tuberculosis, hemorrhage, is diuretic and bile.  Increases milk in breastfeeding women.
  Rhubarb - stomach, intestines, cramps, bloating.  It is used in jelly, stewed fruit, jam, pies.
  Retrush - restores hemoglobin in the blood, stops bleeding of the children.  It treats kidneys, colitis, inflammation, prostatitis, eyes.  It also helps from insect bites and to restore strength.
  Redis - helps with diathesis in children (taking at night), allergies, malorrhea, loss of strength, coughing and hoarseness.  Multivitamin.
  Carrot - helps with kidney stones and bladder.  It treats hemorrhoids, burns, frostbite, thrush, ulcers, wounds.

  Cabbage - it helps with jaundice coughing, wheezing, constipation, gout, insomnia, stomach and intestinal ulcers, obesity, diabetes mellitus.
  Tomato - heart, vessels, kidney stones, sex glands, wounds, vitamin deficiency.
  Cucumbers - obesity, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, removes toxins.
  The salt is diabetes, hypertension, kidney stones, and an antibiotic.
  Pumpkin - burns, eczema, constipation.  Pumpkin seeds - from glist.
  Beetroot - constipation, scurvy, high pressure, malorrhea.  It contains a lot of carotene and vitamin C.
  Marigolds are an anti-inflammatory diuretic and diaphoretic.
  Tobacco - scabies, itchy rashes, diseases of the skin and scalp.
  St. John's wort - respiratory tract, lungs, migraines, hypertension, allergies, stomach, intestines.
  Garlic - hypertension, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, inflammation of the liver, gall bladder, strengthening of the hair.
  Chamomile (pharmacy) - liver, kidneys, throat, stomach, ulcers, joints, dysminaria.
  Sorrel is a multivitamin.
 Be healthy!

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