natural remedies that quickly get rid of black points

9 natural remedies that quickly get rid of black points

Lemon + honey + sugar Cut the lemon in half, cut a little honey to cover all the flesh, and sprinkle with two pinch of sugar (better reed).
The resulting natural sponge with a scrub neatly drive through the problem areas of the face.

We repeat the scrubbing not more than once a week. Vaseline + food film Apply this method immediately after the , when the face is well roasted ashower and the pores are opened. We put a layer of Vaseline on the problem areas that need cleaning.

Top with a food film and a hot towel. Keep as long as there is heat. We remove the remnants of petroleum jelly from the napkin and lightly press the fingers on the black dots. Comedones easily go out.

Wipe the skin with a cotton disc with lotion. We repeat this procedure 1-2 times a month. Coconut oil + essential oils Add 1/4 cup of lightly heated (about 10 seconds in a microwave) coconut oil to 10 drops of essential oils of lemon, lavender, tea tree,

melaleuka and mix until homogeneous. We put on a cotton pad and use it as a lotion after each washing.
Store at room temperature in a sealed jar. Cinnamon + oat flour Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal and the same amount of cinnamon powder. Add a little warm water and stir well. According to the consistency of the mixture should be like a very thick sour cream. With your fingertips, in a circular motion, scrub your face for about 1 minute. Then rinse well with cool water. Cinnamon can cause a slight impression on the skin, but after washing it passes.

We use this tool not more than 2 times a month. Activated carbon + green clay We connect 1/2 tsp. activated carbon powder, 1 tsp. green clay, 1/2 tsp. warm water. Stir well until the mask becomes elastic and free of lumps.

Sponge or brush on the face. We keep a few minutes until completely dry and rinse well with warm water. A perfect result gives application 1-2 times a week. Coffee grounds + coconut oil
Coffee grounds + coconut oil Mix 1/2 cup of natural coconut oil (pre-heat it slightly) with the same amount of fresh coffee grounds. Part of the mixture is used immediately, cleansing the skin in circular motions. After scrubbing, leave on face for 5 minutes, then rinse well. Repeat once a week. The rest of the mass is transferred to a cake or ice mold and we put it into the freezer. So the mask-scrub will always be at hand.

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